Our DesignMaster is a tool for copying different Word elements, such as styles, margins, theme, headers and footers, from a master document to other documents.
Module is located here:
This feature can copy the elements to both a single destination document or all documents in a specified folder. Therefore, two functions are included:
CMD: <Cmd case="BaseExtensions:ApplyDesignMaster"/>
Description: Copies different Word elements from the master document to a single destination document.
CMD: <Cmd case="BaseExtensions:ApplyDesignMasterToAll"/>
Description: Copies different Word elements from the master document to all documents in a specified folder.
Which elements that should be copied is specified in the parameters below.
Master or DesignMaster or design-master
Specify the full path to the master document or template from where the elements should be copied. It is also possible to use the keyword Ask
, which opens a folder where the master document can be selected. If this parameter is not used, the default value will be Ask
Defined path can contain environmental variable %ContentFolder%
. This will direct the command to look in this location: ...\OfficeExtensions\Content\BaseExtensions
. This can be handy if client environment varies from user to user, for instance if they are running Citrix. Be aware that parameter must point to the specific file, i.e. %ContentFolder%\MasterFile.docx
Folder or folder
If the parameter above is set to Ask
, specify the path to the folder that should be opened. If this parameter is not used, the default value will be %UserTemplates%
Destination or destination
Specify the full path to the destination document or the folder in which the documents are present. It is also possible to use the keyword ActiveDocument
or Ask
. If this parameter is not used, the default value will be ActiveDocument
, which copies from master into the active document.
IncludeStyles or include-styles
Define to be true
if the feature should copy all styles from the master document into the destination document(s). Styles that are not defined in the master document will not be deleted from the destination document. Default value is true
, and any other value than false
will evaluate to true
IncludeMargins or include-margins
Define to be true
if the feature should copy margins and distance to headers and footers from the master document to the destination document(s). Default value is true
, and any other value than false
will evaluate to true
. Default value is true
, and any other value than false
will evaluate to true
IncludeDifferentFirstPage or include-different-first-page
Define to be true
if the feature should copy the settings for a different first page from the master document to the destination document(s). Default value is false
, and any other value than true
will evaluate to false
IncludeDocumentProperties or include-document-properties
If this parameter is set to true
, the feature will delete all custom document properties in the destination document and then copy all custom document properties from the master document to the destination document. Default value is false
, and any other value than true
will evaluate to false
IncludeDocumentTheme or include-document-theme
Define to be true
if the feature should copy the document theme from the master document to the destination document(s). Default value is true
, and any other value than false
will evaluate to true
IncludeHeaders or include-headers
Define to be true
if the feature should copy all document headers from the master document when corresponding headers exists in the destination document(s). If the destination document has more headers defined than the master document, these headers will not be updated. Default value is false
, and any other value than true
will evaluate to false
IncludeFooters or include-footers
Define to be true
if the feature should copy all document footers from the master document when corresponding footers exists in the destination document(s). If the destination document has more footers defined than the master document, these footers will not be updated. Default value is false
, and any other value than true
will evaluate to false
FilesIncludeMask or files-include-mask
Specify the type of files that should be displayed when the folder is opening when the first parameter is set to Ask
. Default value is *.doc*;*.dot*
FilesExcludeMask or files-exclude-mask
This parameter works when using the ApplyDesignMasterToAll
command. Specify the MS-DOS wildcard pattern for files to exclude from folder searches defined by FilesIncludeMask. Default value is *\~$*;~$*;*\Normal*.*;Normal*.*;*\NormalEmail.*;NormalEmail.*;Thumbs.db
FolderExcludeMask or folder-exclude-mask
This parameter works when using the ApplyDesignMasterToAll
command. Specify the MS-DOS wildcard pattern for folders to exclude from folder searches defined by FilesIncludeMask. Default value is *.zip;*.cab;*Themes*;*LiveContent*
ExcludeEmptyFolders or exclude-empty-folders
This parameter works when using the ApplyDesignMasterToAll
command. Specify whether the internal function GetFileList()
should exclude empty subfolders or subfolders that may include other files than those found by the filtering (ie. consider such folders empty). Default value is true
, and any other value than false
will evaluate to true
A complete example of use
<Button label="Apply DesignMaster"> <Cmd case="BaseExtensions:ApplyDesignMaster" master="Ask" Destination="ActiveDocument" Folder="%UserTemplates%" IncludeStyles="true" IncludeMargins="true" IncludeDifferentFirstPage="true" IncludeDocumentProperties="true" IncludeDocumentTheme="false" IncludeHeaders="true" IncludeFooters="true"/>
When the user clicks the button, a folder will prompt and enable the user to select its master document. In this example, the feature copies styles, margins, the first page, document properties, headers and footers from the master document into the active document.
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