- Accept all changes and disable track changes (W)
- Add an "OK" dialog (W/P/E)
- Add bookmark
- Add caption label (W)
- Add checkbox column to the left of the table
- Add Index (W)
- Add/remove bullet (P)
- Add/remove columns (W)
- Advanced paste: Style mapping (W)
- Align cells in tables (W/P)
- Align page number to style (W)
- Apply Office Theme (W/P/E)
- Apply style set (W)
- Apply table style (W)
- Apply Thousand Separator
- Attach document or presentation to email (W/P)
- Autocorrect Management (W/P/E/O)
- Automatically insert cross-references
- Bookmark fixer (W)
- Border formatting (W/P)
- Bring watermark to front (P)
- Broken Cross Reference Tool
- Call Mso functions (W/P/E)
- Change background color on slide(s) (P)
- Change color for table fill/border based on table name (W)
- Change color of font and line/fill of shape (W/P/E/O)
- Change color of line, fill and font in named shape (W/P/E)
- Change color of named Word style (W)
- Change color theme (W/P/E)
- Change fill pattern of a shape (W/P)