CV task pane is a tool to allow users to insert contact/CV information for individuals directly into their Word and PowerPoint documents.
The tool is activated via a button that opens a task pane from where the user can select an individual whose information they wish to insert. This information comes from the clients own data via an API which will of course be different for each client.
In Word, they can then select what level of information they wish to insert from a drop down menu under the individuals name. This then inserts a text element from Templafy and populates it with the relevant content.
In PowerPoint, users will insert either slides from the the slides library or slide elements which contain content (groups/shapes/placeholders) pre-configured to hold CV information. Once the content is selected the user chooses the individual and the PowerPoint content is updated appropriately.
The following command is used to launch the task pane and load the Individuals information:
<Cmd case="SkabelonDesign.CVTaskPane:ShowTaskPane"/>
On run this command will refer to the configuration.json described below.
In addition to the command line, a folder called SkabelonDesign.CVTaskPane must be placed in the OfficeExtensions Content folder. This folder should contain a file called configuration.json, the content of which should look some like the below example from Client:
"Type": "client",
"TemplafyTenant": "clienttenantname",
"AssetFolder": "text-elements/do-not-use/do-not-use-templafy-cv-blocks",
"Host": "https://xyz/api/"
Parameters for JSON
Type is highly specific and tailored to the each client. Currently available types are "xyz" and "CVPartner". This is because each clients API is very different. To implement this feature Development will need to be engaged to create a new Type.
The prefix of the Clients Templafy tenancy, i.e.
This folder is used within the word implementation of the feature and points to the folder in the clients tenant that contains the pre-configured text elements.
This is the link to the clients API. Note that we will not always be able to test against the clients API outside of their own environment. In these instances we can use the below URL to link to mock data.
"Host": "https://xyz/"
The bindings should be put in the alt text of the placeholder(s).
Use the following syntax:
{"BindingKey":"KnownAs", "BindingType":"Text"}
The bindings used consist of two key value pairs as shown in the example above:
Refers to the data point name from the clients API
Can be one of two values:
Image where we expect the returned content from the API to be an image.
Text where we expect the returned content from the API to be text.
Example of usage
The below example contains three separate bindings. The bindings have been applied as alt text to each individual shape:
Contact name: {"BindingKey":"KnownAs", "BindingType":"Text"}
Title: {"BindingKey":"JobTitle", "BindingType":"Text"}
Image: {"BindingKey":"_imageUrl", "BindingType":"Image"}
Word Example
The below example is the equivalent of the same content in Word. The bindings have been added as content control tags, with different content controls applied around each of relevant pieces of content. The bindings used are the same as above in the PowerPoint example:
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