When you click "Update agenda" (either in the editor or the ribbon) for the first time, the feature will automatically generate a JSON in the custom XML, which can then be edited in regards of the desired styling.
Use Visual Code to change the JSON and start the configuration with a schema; this will help with suggestions and descriptions of the keys. Add the schema by adding the key and define the path to the file placed on your machine.
Download the file placed at the bottom of this article and add the key as illustrated below:
"$schema": "file:C:\\Users\\you\\Downloads\\agendaSchema.json",
"TableOfContents": {
"VerticalOffSet": 15
The table below illustrates the different elements that can be styled in the JSON.
Element |
Properties |
Sub menu (both active and inactive) |
- Direction of sub menu
- Vertical and horizontal offset in points
- Text styling (font, size, weight, alignment, margin, color and offset)
- Icon using Base64
- Icon margin
Navigation arrows (both active and inactive) |
- Vertical and horizontal offset in points
- Vertical and horizontal distance in points
- Icon using Base64
- Height and width of icon in points
- Text styling(font, size, weight, alignment, margin, color and offset)
Style colors |
- Array of colors that should be present in the editor should be configured with a name and HEX value for each style color.
Table of contents |
- Create Menu On ToC (can be true or false)
- Vertical and horizontal offset in points
- Maximum items in columns
- Column distance in points
- Indent top and left in points
- Text styling (font, size, weight, alignment, margin, color and offset)
- Indentation of heading level in points
- Width in points
- Separation mode (mode, color and height)
Page number |
- Numbers to ignore
- Text styling (font, size, weight, alignment, margin, color and offset)
- FormattingType (can be either HeadingArabicRoman, SlideIndexArabic or SlideIndexRoman)
- ShowPageNumber (true or false)
Menu (headings) |
- Heading order
- Indent top and left in points
- Text styling (font, size, weight, alignment, margin, color and offset)
- Icon color (HEX or name referring to defined style colors)
- Icon margin in points
- Icon position (e.g. left)
- DefaultIconName (must exist in Icons)
- Total width in points
- Vertical and horizontal offset in points
- Ability to apply an item called "ChildActive" to support separate styling for an active-active menu item that is nested beneath a header with level 1
- Slides to ignore (slide name)
- Total height of menu with agenda points
(on slide)
- Orientation of the menu and in which direction it should grow
- In which side the menu should act as anchor
- Which level of headings should be visible in the menu (If set to '1', then only level 1 headings will be available, if set to '2', then level 1 and 2 headings will be visible)
- Definition of the menu separator (only implemented for horizontal menus). Child properties:
- SeparationStyle: Currently only line ("|") is available
- Color: Color of the separator
- Whether or not the user can choose the heading icons (Default value is true, if set to false, the user cannot change heading icons
- Whether or not the user can choose the heading color (Default value is true, if set to false, the user cannot change heading colors
Direct Link (button with link to specific slide) |
- Vertical and horizontal offset in points
- Height and width of a direct link icon
Appendix |
- Position, which can be set to bottom or trailing - if it is defined to "Bottom", the appendix heading will be in the bottom of the bar and be styled with the following parameters, but if it is defined to "Trailing", it will be positioned in continuation of other headings and then there is no need to use the styling parameters.
- Heading order
- Indent top and left
- Text styling (font, size, weight, alignment, margin, color and offset)
- Icon color (HEX or name referring to defined style colors)
- Icon margin in points
- Icon position (e.g. left)
- Width mode (e.g. full)
Generel |
- Total height of menu with agenda points
- Slides to ignore (slide name)
Icons |
- Array of icons that should be present in the editor should be configured with a name and Base64 value.
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