This article shows how someone e.g., a requester/end user can sign up on our Zendesk Omnidocs Support and monitor the progression of their support cases as well as review old ones. It also shows how we can control if that user views tickets from their whole organisation or just their own.
You can create an account on our support site and access support tickets and check the status of the active tickets and access the archived solved ones. Please follow the steps below to do so.
1) Go to
2) Click Sign in
3) Click Sign up in the dialog Sign in to Omnidocs Support.
4) Fill in your full name and email in the dialog Sign up to Omnidocs Support and click Sign up
If you use the same email as previously you should see the support cases that are already created using that email.
5) You will see a Pop up as shown to check your email.
6) Check your email for a message from Omnidocs Support and click the activation link.
7) The link gives you an option to set a secret password to sign into Omnidocs Support.
You will now be able to sign into Omnidocs Support with your email and password.
It is possible to see existing cases and create new ones (Submit a request).
8) To Create a new case, please click on Submit a Request.
9) Click on My Activities under the user account to view the list of requests Submitted. This includes a reference id (incident #), status and last activity.
Change user access
If to the user should be able to view tickets from their whole organisation, it can be changed from the user access type.
A Zendesk admin locates the user by searching for their email address and then chooses Can view tickets from user's org. in the Access drop down.
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